This message is being sent to you automatically in response to the message you sent to with subject "remailer-help". There is an automated mail handling program installed on this account which will take any message in the proper format and automatically re-send it anonymously. You can use Mixmaster, a program specially designed to send anonymous messages in a very secure way. The software is freely available from . If you use Windows, you can use the remailer client software Jack B. Nymle from . Mixmaster uses a message format based on RSA and Triple-DES encryption. Messages are multiply encrypted and formatted so as to appear identical to other Mixmaster messages. Message are sent through chains of remailers. Each remailer removes one layer of encryption, and forwards the message. When the final remailer delivers the decrypted message to the recipient, it is impossible to find out where it came from, even if part of the remailers in the chain are dishonest. At the time of this writing, Mixmaster remailers are operated independently be individuals in twelve countries in America, Asia, Australia and Europe. * The remailer accepts PGP-encrypted messages. You can get the public PGP key by sending mail with Subject: remailer-key to . If you want to send an anonymous message, first create a file with two colons in the first line of your message, and the line "Anon-To: address" in the following line. Follow that with a blank line and begin your message. For example: ================================================================== :: Anon-To: This is some anonymous mail. ================================================================== Then, encrypt it with the PGP key of this remailer. Finally, send a message that begins with two colons and the line "Encrypted: PGP", followed by your encrypted message: ================================================================== From: To: :: Encrypted: PGP -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE----- Version: 2.6.3i owE1jMsNwjAUBH3gZMk9PClnUoBPUANpwElW2OBPZD8H0gd1UCP2gduuNDNfIcSH T4zCbQmtlbzGFM9T0jSD7QVvEzaPcUlBSSWHQclbnR9YWJNp5BFSLdR9CijF3NGx ybry/1Rsqn4la3a0JiIhLvnYGCu9HFtiC8oIxnlkeuIYe+EH =HgDq -----END PGP MESSAGE----- ================================================================== The remailer will decrypt the message and forward it anonymously. The following e-mail would be delivered to : ================================================================== From: Nomen Nescio Comments: This message did not originate from the Sender address above. It was remailed automatically by anonymizing remailer software. Please report problems or inappropriate use to the remailer administrator at . To: This is some anonymous mail. ================================================================== You will often want to include a Subject or other header lines in your anonymous mail. You can insert header lines in the anonymous message by preceding them with a "##" line in the unencrypted file: ================================================================== :: Anon-To: ## Subject: Re: Twofish In-Reply-To: Your message of "Tue, 12 Jan 1999 22:47:04 EST." <> This reply is anonymous. ================================================================== Even though PGP encryption is very secure, this still leaves some information open to attackers. For example, if someone gets an anonymous message whenever you have sent an encrypted message to a remailer, it is likely that you are the sender of those messages. You can instruct the remailer to delay your messages for some time or send it empty messages to make such analysis harder: If you use the line "Null:" instead of "Anon-To:", the remailer will discard your message. The "Latent-Time:" header causes the remailer to keep your message for some time before forwarding it. "Latent-Time: +2:00" would delay the message for two hours. You can use a random delay by adding "r", for example "Latent-Time: +5:00r" would delay the message for up to five hours. You can, of course, use another remailer to send the message to anonymously. For example, take the message ================================================================== :: Anon-To: :: Encrypted: PGP -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE----- Version: 2.6.3i owE1jMsNwjAUBH3gZMk9PClnUoBPUANpwElW2OBPZD8H0gd1UCP2gduuNDNfIcSH T4zCbQmtlbzGFM9T0jSD7QVvEzaPcUlBSSWHQclbnR9YWJNp5BFSLdR9CijF3NGx ybry/1Rsqn4la3a0JiIhLvnYGCu9HFtiC8oIxnlkeuIYe+EH =HgDq -----END PGP MESSAGE----- ================================================================== encrypt it with the PGP key of the Replay remailer and send the double-encrypted message to . If you send your messages through a chain of several independent remailers, it will be hard to trace the anonymous message back to you. A much more secure solution, however, is to use Mixmaster for sending anonymous mail. PGP encryption can also be used to receive mail at an anonymous address. Please see , the home page of the pseudonym server, for more information. Abuse Policy: ============ I consider the following to be inappropriate use of this anonymous remailer, and will take steps to prevent anyone from doing any of the following: - Sending messages intended primarily to be harassing or annoying. - Use of the remailer for any illegal purpose. If you do not want to receive anonymous mail, send a message containing the line destination-block to . To get the remailer's public keys, send mail with Subject: remailer-key or see to get the keys of all active remailers. You can get a list of statistics on remailer usage by sending mail to with Subject: remailer-stats For a copy of these instructions, send mail with Subject: remailer-help to . To reach the operator, direct your mail to .