Available Stats:
Mixmaster (Type II) |
v1 |
v2 |
This is an automatically generated list of remailer reliability statistics. Please see the Legend below for interpretative data.
Broken type-I remailer chains: Broken type-II remailer chains: Last update: Mon 20 Jan 2025 01:30:12 GMT mixmaster history latency uptime -------------------------------------------- yamn ************ 13:04 100.00% yamn3 ************ 14:57 100.00% shalo ************ 36:56 100.00% milton ************ 39:03 100.00% victor *********+** 39:58 99.99% yamn4 ************ 39:59 99.95% yamn2 ************ 13:57 99.89% paranoyamn **++******** 45:00 99.84% frell ++*+++*+++++ 1:10:28 99.72% middleman ****+**+*+** 53:04 99.65% gronk ************ 39:26 99.63% yeahno ************ 33:00 99.60% lorem ************ 34:09 99.54%
History: The result of test messages sent in the last 12 days.
? No test message sent (space) Response not received # Response in less than 5 minutes * Response in less than 1 hour + Response in less than 4 hours - Response in less than 24 hours . Response in less than 2 days _ Response in more than 2 days
Latency: The average response time of the remailer.
Uptime: The fraction of responses received from tests sent in the last 12 days.