Available Stats:
Cypherpunk (Type I) | Mixmaster (Type II) | Combined | |||
v1 | (rsa) | (dsa) | (cleartext) | v1 | V2 |
v2 | (rsa) | (dsa) | (cleartext) | v2 | |
v2 post | v2 post |
This is an automatically generated list of remailer reliability statistics. Please see the Legend below for interpretative data.
$remailer{"binski"} = "<mixmaster@binski.net> cpunk max mix middle pgp pgponly repgp remix esubbf hsub latent hash cut test ekx inflt50 rhop5 reord post klen2048"; $remailer{"dizum"} = "<remailer@dizum.com> cpunk max mix pgp pgponly repgp remix latent hash cut test ek ekx esub inflt50 rhop5 reord post klen64"; $remailer{"frannie"} = "<mix@franxial.com> cpunk max mix middle pgp pgponly repgp remix esubbf hsub latent hash cut test ekx inflt50 rhop5 reord post klen1024"; $remailer{"frell"} = "<godot@remailer.frell.eu.org> cpunk max mix pgp pgponly repgp remix latent hash cut test ekx inflt50 rhop5 reord post klen1024"; $remailer{"hsub"} = "<hsub@mixmaster.mixmin.net> cpunk max pgp pgponly repgp remix esubbf hsub latent hash cut test ekx inflt50 rhop5 reord klen100"; $remailer{"ipsum"} = "<mix@eocto.net> cpunk max mix middle pgp pgponly repgp remix esubbf hsub latent hash cut test ekx inflt50 rhop5 reord klen2048"; $remailer{"paranoia"} = "<mixmaster@remailer.paranoici.org> cpunk max mix pgp pgponly repgp remix esubbf hsub latent hash cut test ekx inflt50 rhop5 reord post"; $remailer{"senshi"} = "<senshiremailer@gmx.de> cpunk middle pgp latent ek ekx esub cut hash repgp reord ext max test inflt10 rhop2 klen200"; $remailer{"shalo"} = "<mix@shalo.ca> cpunk max mix middle pgp pgponly repgp remix esubbf hsub latent hash cut test ekx inflt50 rhop5 reord klen1024"; Broken type-I remailer chains: (binski senshi) (dizum senshi) (frannie senshi) (frell binski) (frell frannie) (frell ipsum) (frell paranoia) (frell senshi) (frell shalo) (hsub senshi) (ipsum senshi) (paranoia senshi) (senshi binski) (senshi dizum) (senshi frannie) (senshi frell) (senshi hsub) (senshi ipsum) (senshi paranoia) (senshi shalo) (shalo senshi) Broken type-II remailer chains: (binski dizum) (frell2 dizum) Last update: Wed 12 Mar 2025 04:30:00 GMT remailer email address history latency uptime ----------------------------------------------------------------------- frannie mix@franxial.com **********#* 15:00 100.00% ipsum mix@eocto.net **********+* 24:00 100.00% shalo mix@shalo.ca *+********** 30:59 100.00% binski mixmaster@binski.net ****++++**** 33:00 100.00% frell godot@remailer.frell.eu.org ++++++*+*+++ 1:49:00 100.00% hsub hsub@mixmaster.mixmin.net --+--+-**++* 3:21:00 99.44% paranoia mixmaster@remailer.paranoici.org ************ 31:00 99.22% dizum remailer@dizum.com ****** 23:00 28.35% senshi senshiremailer@gmx.de 99:59:59 0.00%
History: The result of test messages sent in the last 12 days.
? No test message sent (space) Response not received # Response in less than 5 minutes * Response in less than 1 hour + Response in less than 4 hours - Response in less than 24 hours . Response in less than 2 days _ Response in more than 2 days
Latency: The average response time of the remailer.
Uptime: The fraction of responses received from tests sent in the last 12 days.